Instal the last version for ipod Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith
Instal the last version for ipod Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith

instal the last version for ipod Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith

I’ll let everyone know when it’s up so you can send me a PM.Īuthor G&G-Fan Time 6:41 PM (Edited) Post link I was always annoyed by how it broke up Obi-Wan’s escapades and I hope this placement flows a bit better. Using some creative editing, the 3rd “seeds of the rebellion” scene has been integrated at a different point in the film. The deleted scenes have been swapped out for higher quality AI-upscaled versions by bryantmh Audio should now play properly in all 6 channels. Improved audio quality due to working with (mostly) lossless or high quality sources and encoding at a higher bitrate. V3 of this Extended Edition is in the process of uploading with the following changes. So its great to know you’re still planning a next iteration - hopefully with those edges ironed out and the new upscales included.Īuthor Octorox Time 6:38 PM (Edited) Post link It has a couple of rough cuts, but I can’t stand anything in other approaches that range from Dex, Naboo and the droid factory that would make me choose any of them over yours. Sharp, very economic and straightforward. That being said, Sanded Down is my favorite AOTC edit. Haven’t got around to watching your TPM edit, but I’ve been personally considering L8wrtr’s the gold standard for a while now. Thats exactly how I feel about it, if I may intrude.

instal the last version for ipod Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith

His I and II edits are a little too conservative for my tastes, but I think his III mostly strikes the right balance. I personally recommend Hal’s Labyrinth of Evil as my go-to edit for Episode III. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Extended Edition (Released) - 94 Replies Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Extended Edition (Released) - Original Trilogy Sign In

Instal the last version for ipod Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith